

Zacca WA kyouto

Thank you for many people coming to our event "WA kyouto".
18 stores participate under the theme of "WA(traditional Japanese style)"and" Kyoto ".
There are many items along the theme, exclusive items,new works etc. at the venue.
I introduce the booth of  "Zacca" today.
"KUROBei - ITABei" using for a venue place is a new work of Zacca.
We used one kind in four kinds for a venue.
"ITABei" which we displayed in a venue changes the ratio of the length and breadth.

It's the wonderful gem that an atmosphere mossed a little lets you feel wabi sabi.
I seem to be usable together in Japanese style and both Western-style buildings.
 The way of the stone pavement that we used in a venue is a product of "Zacca".
This beautiful stone pavement are often looking at the SIMs and various shops.
I seem to be able to use me at the place of various categories as well as a place of the Japanese style.
KUROBei - ITABei are new products and limited price 50% off!

Please enjoy our event and check them<3

"WA kyouto"
June 1st - June 30th 0:00a.m. 2013(SLT)
Please walk straight from the landing point.
The gate is a teleporter. 
Please use it and TP to the venue.

Presented by project P&K
Japanese Blog
English Blog
flickr group

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